1. 強制立即暫停興建所有傳統的燃煤電廠,並要求2030年前逐步淘汰現有30%的燃煤電廠。
2. 2030年前所有水電和燃料供應達到30%來自再生能源。
3. 要求所有新建築物、更新設施和新建住宅區立即減少耗用50%的石化能源,在2030年前所有新建築物也要達到碳零排放。
4. 在解決氣候危機時,要保障中低階層不會承受不公正的代價。
The Sky Belongs To All Of Us.
As Vice President Gore has said, we are in a planetary emergency--an emergency that demands bold and courageous action. To stop global warming and to reverse the extraordinary environmental destruction that is taking place around the world, we must tell Congress that if they want to keep their jobs they must take stronger and immediate action. Please sign the petition below and join us in our effort to let Congress know that we cannot wait any longer.
Dear Members of Congress:
We elected you to lead, and are now asking you to lead us out of the climate crisis with the boldness and courage that the crisis requires. As the home of the world’s boldest innovators, the world’s strongest economy, and one of its leading democracies, the United States Congress must champion the effort to solve global warming or risk losing our economic future and our democratic principles.
We demand that Congress act now to cap greenhouse gas emissions and stop global warming by implementing the following:
1. Impose an immediate moratorium on the building of all new conventional coal-fired power plants, and require a phase out of 30 percent of existing coal plants by 2030.
2. Require that all utilities generate 30 percent of their electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030.
3. Require that all new buildings, renovations and developments immediately reduce fossil-fuel energy consumption by 50 percent, and that all new buildings become ‘carbon neutral’ by 2030.
4. Protect the poor and middle class from unfairly bearing the cost of solving the climate crisis.
Earthday Network
台灣環境資訊協會 施宏燕
1. 強制立即暫停興建所有傳統的燃煤電廠,並要求2030年前逐步淘汰現有30%的燃煤電廠。
2. 2030年前所有水電和燃料供應達到30%來自再生能源。
3. 要求所有新建築物、更新設施和新建住宅區立即減少耗用50%的石化能源,在2030年前所有新建築物也要達到碳零排放。
4. 在解決氣候危機時,要保障中低階層不會承受不公正的代價。
The Sky Belongs To All Of Us.
As Vice President Gore has said, we are in a planetary emergency--an emergency that demands bold and courageous action. To stop global warming and to reverse the extraordinary environmental destruction that is taking place around the world, we must tell Congress that if they want to keep their jobs they must take stronger and immediate action. Please sign the petition below and join us in our effort to let Congress know that we cannot wait any longer.
Dear Members of Congress:
We elected you to lead, and are now asking you to lead us out of the climate crisis with the boldness and courage that the crisis requires. As the home of the world’s boldest innovators, the world’s strongest economy, and one of its leading democracies, the United States Congress must champion the effort to solve global warming or risk losing our economic future and our democratic principles.
We demand that Congress act now to cap greenhouse gas emissions and stop global warming by implementing the following:
1. Impose an immediate moratorium on the building of all new conventional coal-fired power plants, and require a phase out of 30 percent of existing coal plants by 2030.
2. Require that all utilities generate 30 percent of their electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030.
3. Require that all new buildings, renovations and developments immediately reduce fossil-fuel energy consumption by 50 percent, and that all new buildings become ‘carbon neutral’ by 2030.
4. Protect the poor and middle class from unfairly bearing the cost of solving the climate crisis.
Earthday Network
台灣環境資訊協會 施宏燕